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3/13: Cottontails?!

on March 14, 2010

"No like soccer practice."

Today was a very Dad-intensive day!  He woke up with pretty early (a little after 6:00) and we took our time playing and eating breakfast.  Normally we’re in a hurry to get back from the grocery stores before soccer practice, but my new class starts at 11:30, so we had plenty of time.

We didn’t get out of the house unti close to 8:00, when we went to Dominick’s.  Dad was in a good mood and let me get a Starbucks water (or at least he said that was why he was getting his own venti drink!) and he let me stand up in the big red cart.  We got a lot more stuff than usual and in particular, Dad opened up a package of colby jack cheese and let me eat four (4!) slices.  I also had fun talking to my three favorite regulars, Mr. Dan, Ms. Barbara, and Ms. Joanne.

Our next stop was Stanley’s, where we bought a pint of blueberries and I ate them up while Dad bought a bunch of produce.  Then it was off to Whole Foods.  I think it’s better to get there a bit later, because then they have their sampling stations set up.  I ate pineapple and a whole lot of bread (my favorite).  We got home and saw Mom for a few minutes before she took off.  I helped Dad cook some food and then it was time for soccer.

Soccer was a disaster.  So, I’m in a new class called “Cottontails” intended for kids 30-42 months (2 1/2 to 3 1/2).   Of course, I’m the youngest kid in the class and some of these kids are really good at soccer.  No worries, though, through the early part of the class I was doing great.  I’m not the fastest anymore, but I’m still way better than average.

But then practice got pretty abstract.  Coach Eve told me to imagine that I was a bird and the soccer ball was an egg.  Then I had to imagine that I was an astronaut (what’s that?).  Then I had to imagein that the soccer ball was a snow ball  in the middle of an avalanche.  I know, right?  This is nuts.  Anyway, just after the half-way point (it’s a longer class, to boot) I just gave up.  I made Dad pick me up and I just put my head on his shoulder.  He tried to get me to play the silly avalanche game and instead I just sat on my blue circle while everyone else did the drill.

The best part of practice was at the very end.  While Dad wasn’t looking, I sprinted out of the gym and into the lobby.  Dad followed me out, so I ran…right into the women’s bathroom.  Ha, Dad!  I’m way smarter than you think I am!  Somehow he managed to break into the women’s room and find me hiding in a stall…that was being used by another girl!  It’s a long story, but yes, picture Dad in a women’s room, stall door open, little girl on the potty, her Mom next to her, and me behind the girl sitting on the potty.  Oh man.

We got home way past my nap time (to say nothing of lunch time).  I didn’t eat too well (perhaps the 4 slices of cheese, blueberries, and tons of bread had something to do with that).  I fought my nap for a bit but finally slept for a couple hours. 

When I got up, it was time to go to Nana’s birthday dinner at Bella Notle.  We had a great time!  I nibbled on everyone’s pasta (Nana’s linguine, Mom’s rigatone, and Dad’s spiral doo-dads) and probably ate as much of Nana’s tiramisu and she did! 

We got home right around 7:00 and Dad and I played around in the office before playing around in my room.  Finally, I went to bed, exhausted!

Last year I was hating on bulgar (though now I quite like it!).

Thanks for having a birthday, Nana!

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